Tuesday, January 13, 2009

36 weeks- and the countdown begins now!

Woohoo!!! The title says it all!! Gosh, I cannot believe, I am in the 36 week mark and just few days more to go and the little blessing will be in our arms - yawning, touching, cuddling, smiling and gently moving his/her eyes to catch every glimpse around in this beautiful little world of ours. Suddenly- this undesired pressure has started mounting on me, and I feel like he/she can arrive any moment now. So with every ache and pain I ask myself- is this it? Its funny cause when that happens I feel like – Oh my gosh I am so unprepared! The symptoms have escalated like anything – from cramps, sleeplessness, pains, emotional, sensitivity, appetite decrease to even getting mild fever. But hopefully all is going well. Today at 36 week appointment- I am hoping to get more information and heads up about our baby’s arrival- hence I am pretty curious yet nervous.

Some days I feel I am depressed- feel If I will even be a good mom to my baby! If I will ever live up to expectations of being a nice, caring and loving mom? I just want to give him And sometime I am so excited- that I just want to love and talk to my baby in the womb, sing him/her songs and lullaby’s. Just want to give him/her the best in the world! Guess thats every parent's desire!

Alright then- hopefully i will get to write more before the grand arrival. I shall keep you all posted!

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