Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week 25! Woohoo!

I cannot believe when I wrote the title of the blog myself! Week 25!! Oh My Gosh! The time is flying like a flying saucer. It still feels like yesterday that we came to know the news. Now I am getting all anxious and nervous as the days are drawing closer. The usual fears of first time pregnancy has started seeping in. Well, I guess it's all so natural and I am trying to keep a positive outlook to the entire deal though. But sometimes, the entire process and the stories that you hear from other friends, does make you feel anxious. I question at times, "Oh really! Can this happen too?" and makes me go wow! what courageous women are out there who deliver babies!!

I guess I am going to be a part of the herd pretty soon! But till then I think I shall continue to feel nervous and anxious from time to time. One thing that eases out the nervousness is the baby kicks! Oh yeah... the baby is kicking around the walls - left, right center! Sometimes I feel the baby so hard that I am on the verge of screaming out "ouch" or "ooh"! But trust me it is a great feeling overall. This is what I call is the bright side of pregnancy or light at the end of the tunnel as you can call it. As the baby feeling keeps me motivated and makes me feel stronger day by day. Talking about kicks, I have started to see a pattern of the baby moving as well. Strange enough, as soon as I eat something he/she would start jumping or playing. The baby is more active towards the evening especially when it is my turn to sleep. It's funny - how you want to focus on sleeping but the kicks are so distracting! Now- I am used to it all though. Now if I stay still or lie down for few minutes quietly and observe, I can see my tummy jiggling - that's all baby inside doing salsa dance I guess!!

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