Friday, June 13, 2008

Sharing the good news

Finally we broke the news to our respective families. aka, dadu, dadi, nanu and nani, bua and fufu, and finally mamu and mami knows about grand news of your arrival! They were all very excited to hear the great grand news. It was Amit who told 'em first except for Mamu. He told everyone about how he's planning to celebrate the first Father's day! He seemed pretty excited and had that twinkle in his eyes, when he broke the good news. We were at friends place when Mamu called and told him, that I will call him Mamu from now on :).

So now, immediate family knows and we've been strictly instructed not to share it with the rest until we cross 12 weeks/3 months. I am pretty okay with it except for the fact I won't be able to share the news with my dearest sister, kangan or maussi to be. I hope she'll understand whenever it comes to tell her.

Besides, the excitement that we heard on the phone, after sharing the news the obvious next step was the list of do's and donts we were told by everyone. Out of the list, the prominent and most common was to "stay happy". So my dear child, it's not just coz of your dadu/dada, nanu/nani I am trying to be happy. Trust me- I want to give loads of joy right from the day of your arrival- which I'm treating as the day you were conceived. So ya- we'll put our best efforts to give all our love and happiness!! God bless ya!!

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