Monday, June 30, 2008

Taking Hospital tours

I am 8 weeks pregnant as of Friday- June 27, 2008. And the fetus, aka our baby is 5 weeks old! Amazing, how time is flying.

Last week was quite busy for both of us. Amit, is keeping busy at work. Then there was a bit of commotion in our lives as both of our parents are flying. My parents went to Australia. And Amit's parents are coming to US, CA. So it was like half of your mind was there and 1/2 here. Then sad news- Amit's Chachiji passed away. Which was sort of very disheartening and sad. And then of course, my condition is keeps varying. Some days go smooth and some days are hard. I wake up sometimes with my head spinning and looks like sky is upside down... ! Well, I guess it will improve with time.

Apart from all of this, we squeezed in time to take some Hospital tours to see and evaluate the facility and get a buy in time to choose doctors accordingly. The two Hospitals that we visited were: Florida Hospital, College Park and the other being The Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies. Overall Florida Hospital is nice, but for the most part- the some areas are bit dicey may be coz it was under construction. More or less by the time we'll be ready, this hospital facility will be done and ready.

The later one, is beyond words expression! No kidding, its' like a fantastic place to give birth in. My manager jokes around about this facility saying, "If I had to bear another child just to give birth in this hospital, I would." And hard to believe, she just came back last week from maternity leave- and she gave birth here. It is definitely the most amazing place! By the first look of it, we were zapped and Amit said, "where can we sign up!" :)! I am attaching a picture of the facility here.

Not sure if we'll finally decide on this facility or not but it sure is one of the short listed places. Now, it is time to hunt for doctor's. Hopefully we'll finalize on that one soon too!

Ek chidiya

I grew up listening to this rhyme in my childhood days and would love our kids to watch it too. Not sure if they’ll love it the same way as we did coz in our days there were very limited animations on TV. The animation might be too amateurish in this video – but the moral of the story and the poem is super catchy. Bring back some old memories!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Daisy's week

This week is yellow daisy week! Yes, Amit brought a bouquet of Yellow daisies- which I try to look at every day. With my condition- it gets hard to see it every morning, so I guess looking at the blossoming flower every day might be a better compromise. Trust me- it's really sweet to see fresh cut flowers in the house. It's like seeing them blossoming as your kid in you is :). Sheesh! Am I getting too mushy now!

Thank you daddy to be!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Doctor's visit

June 17, 2008 Tuesday was our first doctor's visit. Albeit it wasn't the doctor who we had the appointment with, but the mid-wife or senior nurse as they call it here. She took both of ours medical history , asked bunch of questions, shared the list of do's and dont's, answered our queries, and finally took my test. Yes, officially we are pregnant and expecting our little bean before or by Feb 07, 2009! Yay!

I wasn't really convinced and happy with the group practice of ob/gyn here, though I've been with them for my annual check ups ever since I've got here in U.S., which is now almost 3 years. Reason being- they have 8-9 doctors in practice, out of which there is only one female doctor left and that too they don't promise that I'll be seen with her every time we have our appointment. This part really upset me, coz I need me and our child to be seen by one doc in our entire journey of pregnancy. This means, we have to shop for a new doctor, which becomes really hectic with my current condition now.

Talking about my condition, well presently every day is a bit hard cause of nausea and dizziness. But I am taking each and every day as it comes. Hopefully this weird sick feeling will go away after 6 more weeks, that is when we complete 12 weeks in total. Wow! Can't believe we're nearing 7 weeks already. I am really excited and at the same time scared. Hope our journey of next 9 months is a smooth one. Amen!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sharing the good news

Finally we broke the news to our respective families. aka, dadu, dadi, nanu and nani, bua and fufu, and finally mamu and mami knows about grand news of your arrival! They were all very excited to hear the great grand news. It was Amit who told 'em first except for Mamu. He told everyone about how he's planning to celebrate the first Father's day! He seemed pretty excited and had that twinkle in his eyes, when he broke the good news. We were at friends place when Mamu called and told him, that I will call him Mamu from now on :).

So now, immediate family knows and we've been strictly instructed not to share it with the rest until we cross 12 weeks/3 months. I am pretty okay with it except for the fact I won't be able to share the news with my dearest sister, kangan or maussi to be. I hope she'll understand whenever it comes to tell her.

Besides, the excitement that we heard on the phone, after sharing the news the obvious next step was the list of do's and donts we were told by everyone. Out of the list, the prominent and most common was to "stay happy". So my dear child, it's not just coz of your dadu/dada, nanu/nani I am trying to be happy. Trust me- I want to give loads of joy right from the day of your arrival- which I'm treating as the day you were conceived. So ya- we'll put our best efforts to give all our love and happiness!! God bless ya!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Zapped by the title! Well that’s what I’m being feeling these days. Ya man, finally the good news..yay!! We completed one week yesterday since we realized that there is a little bean on our way. Wednesday, June 4 2008 at 7 :00 a.m. did I came to know our bundle of joy is on our way. I have to tell you – how I broke the news to Amit. I sent an ecard to Amit with a message:

Ten little fingers, ten little toes, boy or a girl, nobody knows…

It was soo sooo hard to wait until he opened the eCard. I was dying to see his expression but then how else I could have opened up this exciting news? I waited, waited, and waited… and around 10 a.m., he replied to me on Gtalk. The first sentence… “ you tested?!!!!??” When I said yes, he filled the chat with loads of love and hugs. Though virtual, I could feel how happy he was! I wish I could freeze the moment and preserve it show to our lil one, whenever he/she arrives. He gave me a bouquet of flowers in the evening when we met. Isn’t that sweet!!! Thanks honey, you are the best hubby and I am sure best father our child can have.

Ever since I am having this mixed feeling. Feeling of excitement, joy, nervousness, scared, anxiety, and the list is endless. I have heard so much and I trust me I thought I am 100% prepared, but I guess I was wrong. Until you get in to the real shoes, only you realize that the road is not as smooth as you would have thought. Don’t take me wrong… I am glad to be in this shoe, and I am just sayin’… with new changes happening in your body, the journey becomes a lot adventurous! I will surely like to explain as to what adventures I have experienced in the last week or so, but for that you would have to wait until next post. I am too hungry at the moment … and would rush to eat some Thai food that Amit has prepared.. oooooh can’t wait anymore.

See ya!