Thursday, August 28, 2008


First thought that comes to anyone’s mind as soon as you tell them that you are pregnant is “are you having food cravings?” I guess it’s a natural phenomenon to crave food while you are expecting, albeit an obvious question. To be frank, I was expecting more cravings than it has actually happened with me so far. Whatever I have seen in movies, and have seen around- women pester their husbands and get upset if they don’t the stuff they are craving RIGHT AWAY!

Ummm, good thing is…it hasn’t happened that way with me! Lucky eh? I do feel desire some foods but generally that yearning settles down max in 30 mins. So if I distract myself- I won’t even notice or remember that I was craving for something a while back.

Interesting and the most surprising part of ‘MY cravings’ is- that I love having stuff that usually Amit’s favorite. Geez, how did this happen? They say, you crave for stuff that your baby loves. Does that mean, the baby likes all the stuff his father likes? No wonder he or she’s going to be “HIS baby”!

I am posting the pictures of my recent cravings. I’ll keep adding to this list as and when the list gets increased :).

Yummy isn't it :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Purple it is!!

Not sure the name of the flower, but the flower for this week is this purple, bright and colorful bunch. I love the color.. it's bright and rich. I am hopeful that this brings bright and nice ambiance around us.